Slashing in a sea of pure white…
On the way to the goods….note the only track within 100 miles is Benor’s and I am right behind him! Today is gonna be sick.
We were pretty amped to show up to a foot + of fresh pow and not a track in sight or any sound of sledneckers in the distance. Things were gonna get rad….. until the track on my sled broke- sending me flying over the handlebars as the sled rolled over. No bueno… It was up to Benor to chauffeur all 4 of us around for the day.
We still managed to get the goods. Some easier access stuff, we sessioned a kicker for a bit, then a kicker over a cliff (on our snowboards), then we spent the rest of the day powdersurfing.
Slashing pow runs and building small jumps and hitting the natural rollers. A few kickflips were landed, a bunch of shovits, the biggest backside 180 I have ever done and copius amounts of powder was slashed.