Tag Archive for: ralston

It’s super rare to get such brilliant colors frosted in white. Beautiful drive.

The first early season tease of snow fell on October 7th 2011. We rallied up to the “sacred grove” to check the depth and were delighted to find enough pow to snowskate the campground and powsurf the upper fields.

Check the video!

These early season sessions are what motivated us to start riding bindingless over a decade ago. We were always super excited to ride some pow, but we were bored with riding the mellow grassy slopes while strapped into our snowboards. After a decade of evolution, we are having more fun than ever surfing and skating the snow up here. Ditching the bindings has made it so much more challenging and rewarding.
Here’s to another winter season!!
Bindingless, gloveless, hatless, careless, reckless, fearless, blissfulness..
Mowin’ down them weeds!!!

Kickflip on that same ol bump in the earth I hit every year around this time.

Dave Smellie and I tested out some new shapes.. Look out for the “Phish”, our newest directional shape. Super fun ride, flat swallowed tail… makes for some nice drawn out turns. (and of course it makes a really cool looking track)

Where would board sports be without the ollie? So crucial.

Looks can be deceiving.. I rolled up a couple days later to bluebird conditions, only to find the white stuff was crusted solid. Can’t wait for the next storm!

I’ve been shredding so much pow this year that i just haven’t had an opportunity to get on the bi-decks as much as I used to. Our local resort has outlawed them so they rarely see much action aside from early season campground sessions and apres shred parking lots. It felt great to get out and throw some slush around.

Conditions were a bit bumpy and sticky in spots, but we had a hell of a good time.

I had an old Burton Junkyard, (from the first run of snowskates that burton did over a decade ago) a Ralston that I have been itching to give a good test ride on, and a Florida Powderskate that I traded Adam a powsurf for. The Ralston and the Florida shredded up the slush pretty nicely. The burton… well, too small, too old, needs a basegrind, ect….
Peep the vid!